This Transit-Oriented-Development (TOD) Vision Plan is set forth to demonstrate how the cities of Pawtucket, RI and Central Falls, RI can realize the potential for growth and economic revitalization that a new commuter rail station will bring to the surrounding area. The Plan shares a future vision designed to guide investment and development in three planning Sub-Districts: The Station Gateway District, The Mill District and The Dexter Street Commercial Corridor, a mixed use edge serving as a transition to surrounding residential neighborhoods.
The Station Area, with proximity to both rail and bus transit as well as large vacant parcels, represents a strong opportunity to create a vibrant, people-focused environment. The creation of plazas on either side of the pedestrian bridge and an active gateway street leading from Goff Avenue to the Station will help create an animated gateway with restaurants and other active commercial use. Transportation.Peter Friedrichs, in his role as Director of Planning and Economic Development for the City of Central Falls, served as the lead municipal representative from Central Falls in this endeavor. For more information about this plan visit: